GFG Alliance facts and figures

GFG Alliance has a membership of strong independent businesses that operate around the world, and continues to grow and evolve in line with our value of change.

Here you will find key facts about the Alliance and a growing repository of handy infographics that outline some of our key initiatives and focus areas.

35,000+ workforce worldwide
Operations in 30+ countries worldwide
300 operational sites across the globe
trading with 60+ countries
$US20 billion global annual revenue
Decades of expertise across the value chain
More than 60 years operation across energy, metals, engineering, logistics, infrastructure, financial services, property and mining sectors
Founded by the British Gupta family

Fact sheets


Our fact sheet collection provides you with the latest facts and figures across some of the key market sectors GFG Alliance businesses operate within.

Commodities [PDF] Cultana Solar Farm [PDF] Energy [PDF] Engineering [PDF] Mining [PDF] Recycling [PDF] Steel [PDF]