LIBERTY Galați blast furnace slag used to produce low carbon footprint cement

LIBERTY > 17th June, 2021

LIBERTY Galați has for the first time exported 50,000 tonnes of blast furnace slag, a by-product of the steel making process carried out at the plant, so that it can be converted into very low carbon cement at a specialist factory in France.

A ship loaded with granulated blast furnace slag, which is produced in LIBERTY Galati’s own facilities through the processing of hot liquid slag, has been sent to a prestigious cement manufacturer in France. That company operates an innovative technology which uses slag, clay and plaster in a kiln and clinker-free production process. The new process is environmentally protective as it does not involve the extraction of limestone, does not release gases into the atmosphere and – eventually – reduces the carbon footprint of the cement by 80%.

The classic cement-making process uses a rotary kiln where the raw materials are heated up to 1,450 degrees Celsius, which also generates the clinker by-product, largely responsible for the carbon footprint of the cement.

LIBERTY Galați produces about half a million tonnes of blast furnace slag yearly. 

Visit the LIBERTY Steel Group website to read the full media release.

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